The harmony I am referring to is the one found in the natural rhythms of all life. Learning to dance with it and eventually become the flow itself can be a difficult lesson for the majority of us. I know it was and to some extent still is for me. I believe it is difficult because in order to be truthfully in harmony with the essence of life it requires true humility and a deep willingness to let go of old, ingrained societal patterns for us to grow and be who we really are.

I often say to myself: “Someone has to take the first step to change this dynamic and it might as well be me!” However, like most everything in life, there is a “correct” way of taking this step, so I have learned that I need to take it just for love and love alone with no strings attached; out of love for my Creator, love for all life and ultimately, love for Self. The key to make this pivotal change in any dynamic a reality, which in turn will affect the entirety of creation, rests in being completely humble and thus completely in love with our Creator.

From personal experience I have often believed to be doing something out of pure love only to realize at a later time that I was pretending to be “the better person” in the situation just to “be right;” I was being “humble” in name, not in fact.

I have often asked myself, how do I know if I am coming from love instead of pride and vanity? One thing that life has taught me is that the answer to any of my questions will be revealed through the many trials and errors, the repetition of the same old lesson reappearing in a seemingly new disguise and, to be honest, the revelation of truth is always bitter-sweet to swallow, especially if I am attached to having things turn out my way or I have expectations from the people involved.

Letting go of attachments and expectations, really letting go of them, is a process that can take a long time, even lifetimes to learn and one has to revisit the painful place many times over, try everything possible and imaginable to get the wanted result until the moment when, out of pure exhaustion, one finally turns away from the old and asks Spirit to show how to do it properly. This is the moment when real healing begins.

I have learned to distinguish when I am coming from my egomind instead of my humble and loving heart because of how I “feel.” Feelings are the key that tell me what my state of consciousness, my identification with something is at any moment. We all have had the experience some time in our lives when something just doesn’t “feel right;” it is a strong feeling in both the gut and heart that we cannot prove but we know is true.

I have observed myself talk to someone about some wrong that was done to me and try to defend my position by giving all the reasons why I am right and the other person involved is wrong. I am building a case in my favor against another to prove to the world that I am right. Yet, as I speak so fervently and so firmly convinced of my righteous argument I “feel” the agitation in my gut; I feel an energy pushing against me and my words and I notice myself pushing back in order to be right and to maintain my position.

The more I “feel” this internal discomfort, the more I try to find support outside me that my argument is valid and correct. At this point I can collect a number of supporters and tell my “conscience” that everything is in order and push away the discomfort. The “feeling” of being right only lasts so long until something brings back the internal discomfort. I can go on and on in circles repeating the same scenario until the day when I stop and decide to take a look at it and what is trying to show me instead.

This is what I call my first point of “surrender;” there will be other points along the way, each marking a step forward or backwards depending on my choices through my “awakening from illusions” journey. Thus the healing cycle begins from my first point of surrender and Spirit will show me the next step if my heart is open and willing to accept full responsibility in any and every situation for the next “feeling,” the attachment or expectation that I still hold onto in order to win a battle against myself.

I often find myself locked into a repetitive pattern of behavior and unable to move beyond it. I am frozen in a state of consciousness which produces the same results over and over. In this scenario nobody wins and everyone, including me remains locked into their state of consciousness and unable to get out. The vicious cycle repeats itself indefinitely until one person is able to see beyond the pattern and search for something more, something new. In true surrender, one can embrace the totality of any situation and realize that the other person is reacting out of projections of their pain and fears.

When I am able to have some distance from a situation, I am able to identify myself with the other person because I have been in their shoes and know their pain, I can feel compassion for them and let them be instead of judging them and building a case against them to prove myself right. I decide to take responsibility for my part in preserving the status quo and instead take actions towards changing it by coming from a different state of consciousness, I can let go of my expectations in the outcome. It is then that the energy of the loving heart is activated and miracles can happen. Divine love is in charge now and it always acts for the good of the Whole.

In order to allow Divine love to flow freely, I need to get out of the way and simply love and let life be. Yes, it sounds simple and it is in principle. However, reaching the level of acceptance to let go is no easy task and the stripping away of the egomind’s attachments can be very painful.

One thing that Spirit repeatedly whispers to me is that every state of consciousness is sacred to God and I need to learn to respect that at all times. This is a tall order and I am a work in progress as I do my best to practice the ways of Spirit and to keep balance between the Divine and the Human in me. It is quite the dance!

In the end, when everything old is stripped away, all that remains is Self and a “feeling” of peace and love for Self and for all Life; then, the desire to help others free themselves from themselves and be “in love” takes over. The loving heart respectfully and patiently shows me the way back to who I AM.


I opened my eyes and looked around. Where was I? My body felt different, lighter than usual. Surprised, I noticed that I was a shimmering indigo blue flame suspended in a vast world of brilliant white- gold light that extended endlessly in every direction. A soft melody imbued the entirety of this world. It reminded me of the whispering sound of gentle breeze in a forest of Ponderosa pines joined by a distant, uninterrupted humming of a flute.

The mesmerizing sound permeated the entirety of this world of pure light. Intrigued, I looked for the source of the melody yet couldn’t identify it. The sound was the world. It sustained it and everything within it was of light and sound.

I noticed glowing flames of different shapes and colors moving about in the distance; a humming sound arising from each one. The intonation was different and unique from one another.

Were these beings without bodies going about their daily business?

My light body also sent out a unique humming sound. “Maybe the beings of this world recognize one another by their individual sound signature and the color and brightness of their light demonstrates the level of wisdom and understanding they have reached as Souls in their endless unfolding towards greater and greater levels of beingness.” I remembered reading about it.

I observed the exquisite blending and intertwining of the sounds from the beings of Light and the melody of the world. Both seemed to sustain and enrich one another to the point that there was no distinction. It resulted in a forever expanding, breathtaking symphony.

Two exquisite, blinding white lights slowly approached me. A wave of love rushed through me burning red fire lava into the depths of my being. In an instant, the recognition of mySelf as Soul, a spark of Divine Love, returned and I immediately recognized them, my long time and beloved Spiritual teachers; trusted and loving companions in my personal journey throughout the infinite worlds of Light and Sound.

“I have a long ways to go before reaching their level of wisdom.” I thought as I compared my indigo light to theirs.”

“I want to learn to be just like them.”

Without much ado, one of them asked: “Are you ready?”

I nodded reluctantly. The recollection of what was about to happen struck me like a bolt of lightning sending a cold shiver through me.

“Come closer and take a look.” He prompted me.

A large oval shaped screen opened in front of us. A scene was unfolding as if watching a movie screen. A pregnant woman was being taken to a hospital. The baby was coming before completing the nine month development cycle. I noticed the concern on the mother’s face.

“That is your mother. She is about to give birth to you.” He continued. “I am going to show you some of the situations you will encounter and the lessons provided for your growth during this lifetime before you begin the journey.” His voice was calm and matter of fact. “As you know, you will not remember what I am about to show you after you incarnate. That is, your human self will not remember however, the real you, Soul will know and nudge you as to what is to come. You have the freedom to choose how to handle each lesson as they present themselves. You can choose to listen to Soul or to your egomind. As you know, if you follow Soul the unresolved karma you have accumulated during each lifetime will begin to unwind. However, if you follow your egomind you will accumulate more karma to be worked out at some point in time.”

A tight knot of apprehension grew inside me as I quietly observed the scenes unfolding quickly on the screen. In a matter of seconds the movie of my soon to be life came to an end. The opening dissolved leaving me in complete fear.

“Do I have to do this?” I ventured already knowing the answer. “Can I at least negotiate my gender? I would really like to be incarnated in a male body this time around.” I pleaded in a demanding way.

“You will have the body that best furthers Soul development. We have taken into consideration your most important past lives lessons and chosen the most appropriate vehicle for you to learn.” He replied calmly.

“Your time has come. You will be born now.” He concluded.

A humming sound arose from under me in a swirling fashion and a dark vortex opened up into a long winding down serpent-like tunnel. A sucking motion emerged from its depths. It grabbed me and devoured me into its darkness.

I was falling at light speed towards the worlds of matter. My body became denser the deeper I fell. A veil began to wrap around my consciousness, clouding my memory and recollection of mySelf. I watched as centuries of lives flashed past me as the descent into darkness continued inexorably.

“Please take me back! I don’t want to leave the Light and Sound World.” I pleaded/demanded.

Silence was the answer as the roller coaster ride down to the bottom of the worlds continued uninterrupted.

I realized that no amount of yelling, pleading or demanding was going to change my situation. Resigned to my fate, I braced for landing.

“Don’t forget to remember!” I shouted while my memory of Self became less and less.

“Don’t forget to remember who you are and where you are coming from!”

The turbulent descent came to a sudden stop. The surrounding space felt cold and dark. Vicious, diabolical beasts lurked between the folds of its darkness ready to pounce on unprotected preys to hold them captive and feast on their fears.

The minuscule, premature baby girl recoiled within herself closing her eyes tightly shut. A shudder of fear ran up the little spine making her body tremble. “I am all alone and helpless.”

After what seemed an eternity in a hostile environment, she sensed a friendly presence observing her from a distance. She gathered enough courage to take a look. Carefully and very slowly she opened her innocent newborn eyes and glanced sweetly into mine.

A smile of sudden recognition encircled her sweet face as her body began to relax. “Remember who you are.” I whispered. “Remember me.”

The four years old girl awakened. Yawning, she stretched out both arms and sat up; her back leaned against the head of the bed. Her hands stroked gently her still sleepy eyes as she collected her thoughts.

“Is that me? Am I Light?”

“Kery, it is time to get up and get ready for school.” My mom’s voice yelled from the room next door.

Mom rushed in to help me dress into my school clothes.

Reluctantly I got out of bed. My mind wasn’t in the room nor did I want to get ready and go to school; not after remembering the beautiful world of Light and Sound.

“What is the matter with you this morning?” mom asked while struggling to put the shoes onto my wiggly little feet.

“Mommy, who am I? Where do I come from?” I asked.

“What kind of questions are these? Did you have a bad dream? You are going to be late for school today and I am going to be late for work.” She hurried dismissing my questions.

“I am Light mom. You are too!” I shared in cheerful excitement.

“Stop talking nonsense. I have told you many times to stop talking about silly things.” She replied curtly.

Obediently, I stopped trying to tell her about the wonderful world we all come from and quickly finished getting dressed for school. With my mind still stuck on the vivid dream, I opened the door of my bedroom and stepped onto the small, circular entrance area to our home.

“I am going back Home, my true Home! This is what I want more than anything!” I promised mySelf that morning.

It was the Fall of 1960 when I had the dream recollection of my birth into the worlds of matter.


At the end of September 2021 I suddenly found myself homeless.

This is what happened. The Holy Spirit had been nudging me to move out of the apartment I had been sharing with my son for four years. Both of us lived in a 700 Sq Ft one bedroom apartment and my bedroom was the living room.

I began to search for a suitable place to live with Georgy, my Chihuahua companion animal, two months prior to the renewal of our lease. 

Every place was either too expensive to afford or it didn’t take pets. I finally found a two bedroom apartment across the street from our complex where I could move in by the end of our lease.

I was concerned about the fact that the apartment was $1400 per month and wasn’t sure I could actually afford it after adding up utilities, internet and the rest of expenses needed to live (like food and gas).

The Holy Spirit nudged me to proceed and so I turned in an application and was approved after my son cosigned. I gave the deposit money to secure the place (apartments were going off market a few hours after being posted) and would sign the lease at the time of occupancy.

I had a little over a month to get everything ready for the move and so I began to pack my things, get rid of whatever I no longer needed, and set up a few friends to help me on moving day.

Everything was going well and I had already completed all the packing. I had one week left before moving into my new space. I was getting very excited by the fact that my apartment was on the second floor (the top floor in my building), an end unit and had two wonderful balconies where I could grow my favorite flowers. An interesting detail was that the name of the street that leads into the complex was “New Crossing Point.” I thought it to be a very reassuring sign from Spirit.

That afternoon, I ran into Maria and her dog Moses during my walk with Georgy in the neighborhood park.

Maria and Moses lived in the complex I was moving into and she was very excited to have us as neighbors.

“There is something I have been struggling with that I need to tell you. I don’t like to interfere in people’s choices and life but the Holy Spirit has been nudging me every day to tell you more about the place you are moving into.” Maria told me with a very serious look on her face.

I nodded for her to proceed. If the Holy Spirit has a message for me from another person the least I can do is to listen to it.

“The place is not a good place to live. Because some of the apartments are section 8 there are several gang members that live there and they go around breaking into people’s cars, stealing the gasoline out of their tanks and breaking into the apartments when tenants aren’t home. They do and sell heavy duty drugs and stay up all night smoking, drinking and playing music out loud. Many neighbors have complained with the manager but nothing gets done. This has been going on for years and in the last year it has gotten much worse. I have been looking to move myself but have not been able to find an affordable place so far.” She concluded, stared at me and found me staring back speechless.

“Had the Holy Spirit abandoned me and left me out to dry?” The fleeting thought crossed my mind as a shiver ran up my spine.

As best I could I thanked Mary and returned to my apartment. My mind was spinning in every possible direction trying to figure it all out. I stopped paying attention to it and instead decided to check for myself if what Maria was telling me was indeed the case. That evening I walked across the street into the complex. I noticed the ground covered with cigarette buds, people smoking heavily, music being played out loud. It was enough for me to realize this was not a good place to live.

Early the next morning I asked the Holy Spirit to walk with me through this journey. I called around and found a storage unit a mile away from the apartment, they offered the first month rent free and a very good monthly fee.

After I thanked the Holy Spirit for the find, I texted a friend who lived a couple of miles from my apartment to ask if I could stay with her and her husband until I found a place to live. The answer came almost immediately, a sound yes.

By now, I was beginning to breathe better. I could feel God’s presence walking me through each step and things were falling into place.

The last thing was to call my friends and let them know of the change in the plan. At the end of the week my belongings moved into storage and I moved in with my friend.

I was making the best of an unexpected situation yet my mind still couldn’t reconcile why the Holy Spirit had nudged me to move into a place that wasn’t suitable.

Upon contemplating on it for several weeks I finally understood the spiritual reason behind it. The “New Crossing Point” was the clue. I was being tested by the Divine to see what I would, out of my free will, choose to do. Was I really ready for something new or was I only looking to survive? Was I going to choose to live in an unsuitable place, paying top price for it or was I going to trust Spirit and walk with IT into the unknown?

I was glad I had chosen the latter path after all. Now I needed to see where it was leading me and trust in a positive outcome.

A month went by and nothing showed up. The Holy Spirit had suddenly gone silent. I was getting no nudges and no answers during my times of prayer and contemplation.

I decided to relinquish my possessions and to just keep the bare minimum. I sold most of my furniture, donated lots of items and began to empty the storage place.

My friend had offered me to stay at her place for a couple of months which meant that by the end of November I needed to be out. I am sure she would have let me stay longer but I could sense that my time there was coming to an end.

I was preparing myself physically, mentally and emotionally to live out of my car and so I was letting go of all the big and heavy stuff and keeping those things that would come handy in that situation. I was feeling pretty okay with the idea and looking at it as going on a new adventure.

Most of my friends felt horrified by the idea of living in a car and were trying to dissuade me at all cost. I smiled and kept going. At times I struggled with a deep sense of shame for what was happening to me, but I gave it all to Spirit and continued to move forward into the unknown.

One morning I had loaded up my car with things to donate. Georgy was sitting on top of the pile as I was driving along the heavy trafficked road. I decided to turn into Costco to get some gas before reaching the donation place. On my way to Costco I reached out to the Holy Spirit, “I just want you to know that whatever the plan you have for me I am willing and ready to go with it. I trust you and love you. Show me the way; show me what my next step is. Living in a state of uncertainty is not easy and I need some guidance from you.”I prayed out loud.

I sat in my car in line waiting for my turn to gas up. I noticed to the far right, in the adjacent parking lot, a woman dressed in a blue sweater and a blue hat walking around the cars in the gas lot.

“That is strange.” I thought. “I wonder where she is going.”

She reached the line of cars I was in and came straight towards my car, walked around the front and stood next to my window.

She smiled and pointed her finger at Georgy letting me know he was cute. Then, she motioned for me to roll down my window.

My mind was trying to understand what was happening and wondering if she was one of the many homeless in town asking for money. “You are knocking at the wrong window, lady. “I thought.

She motioned again with her bright smile for me to roll down the window.

“Is this safe?” I asked the Holy Spirit. I got the nudge to go along and see for myself.

She had a warm smile, the most beautiful brilliant blue eyes and a very sweet disposition. “I saw you driving on the main road and chased after you all the way here.” She said, always smiling.

“Why were you chasing me?” My mind wondered.

“I have a message for you.” She continued. “Jesus loves you.”

I smiled back and replied, “I know he does and I love him too, very much.”

“Yes, he knows you love him. He told me that you do.” She continued. “He asked me to bless you with this today.” She pushed her right arm through the window and inside the car. Her fist was closed and facing down.

Tentatively I put my right hand under her fist. She opened it and a one hundred dollar bill dropped in my hand.

Speechless I turned to look at her. Her face was pure shining light as her eyes looked into mine. “He wants you to know that he is always with you. He has not abandoned you and that he’s got your back.” She related Jesus message given to her for me.

Tears rolled down my face as I felt the love and grace of God enter my heart and wash over me.

“Dear lady, I thank you for the money, but what really matters the most to me is the message you just gave me. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening and sharing with me in the love of Christ.” I choked up.

I asked her name, it was Sue. I thanked her again. The cars in front of me moved up and it was time for us to part.

The very next day I received an email from a senior apartment building that had been under construction and where I had applied several months prior. I was qualified and I moved into a nice place with a rent I can afford and that includes all the utilities on December 2nd.

Thank you God for the Blessings and the Love.

Photo by Antonio DiCaterina on Unsplash


This past Sunday I attended an online Eckankar service. The title for the service, “Is this a gift from God?” caught my interest and wanted to hear what others had to share on the topic.

I listened as several people related personal accounts of unexpected miracles or gifts they had received throughout the years during difficult times.

I believe that the Holy Spirit showers us with unlimited gifts of Divine Blessings and Love at all times, during the good times and the bad ones, as Spirit’s Love is beyond the limitations of time and space. How can I recognize these divine presents?

It is easy to recognize a gift of love when the result is something that I want and expect. Yet there is another side to these divine gifts, one that is difficult to understand and especially to embrace and accept. I am talking about those times when my familiar and safe routines get disrupted suddenly. How can I call these “happenings” a gift of God? Are they really a gift? They feel more like a curse, don’t they?

One of the speakers addressed this point by pointing out the Golden Contract. My ears perked up wanting to know more about the subject matter. I know of the Golden Rule spoken of in the Bible and wondered if this person was referring to it. The Golden Rule calls for “doing onto others as you would onto you.” How would this rule address the negative ‘happenings” as gifts from God? I wondered.

“The Golden Contract,” the presenter explained, “is one that applies to all of life and it reminds that every situation we encounter and every person, animal or plant that crosses our path is a gift from God because the experience that comes along is meant to help to move forward spiritually and to open our heart to recognize and accept God’s love.”

“The key to obtain this level of acceptance and recognition during any event in our lives,” the presenter continued to explain further, “”is in the keeping an attitude of gratitude in every circumstance. This attitude keeps the heart center open and allows for the Divine to work Its “magic” for us and through us and to begin to resolve the situation according to God’s Will, not ours.”

“The healing and refreshing waters of Divine Love enter our heart (when it is open in gratitude),” he continued, “and flow out of it reaching and touching everything and everyone around us. The Love of God begins to soften the raging fears, shows us solutions where there appeared to be none, opens doors where things were blocked, transforms behaviors and brings back harmony and joy to our surroundings.”

“Love works every time in every circumstance as long as we allow It , do not try to control outcomes to our liking and needs and have the patience for Love to do the work in God’s way and time. Basically, we need to stay out of God’s way (instead of telling God how to do it and what to do) and we make ourselves available to be Its humble vehicle for Love to flow through (by keeping the gratitude attitude).” He concluded

This is easier said than done, I thought to myself. We have been conditioned to react to life’s circumstances and to keep tight control in fear of losing it. What can I do in order to have control over an emotional or mental reaction? How can I obtain a certain level of detachment from a trying situation in order to see clearly instead of reacting?

A dear friend of mine told me once that what he does in these circumstances is to “take a pause and breathe deeply.” This allows the nervous system to reset and keep calm.

There are many practices that can be used to restore balance to an agitated mind, some people resort to prayer, others to meditation, going out in nature, listening to soft music, exercising…whatever works.

I have found that if I engage my mind to figure out a solution in any situation I end up more agitated than I was to begin with. I feel stuck inside an endless loop that continues to look at the same thing over and over and doesn’t really give me alternatives or solutions. When I listen to my mind and follow the reactive instructions I usually end up compounding the problem instead of solving it.

Over the years I have been practicing “the pause;” to remain calm, breathe deeply and trust God. At this point, I turn to gratitude, gratitude for God, for His Love for all of Life. I may not know what God’s plan is at the moment but I trust that God always has my best interest and well being at heart. In time, if I continue to practice gratitude and don’t forget to breathe deeply, my mind will stop running around for answers and let the Heart take over. It is here when miracles happen. (I will write about these in another post)

This way of engaging life may seem difficult at first but I have found that it is actually the easy way. I am slowly learning how to live life according to the Golden Contract and the Golden Rule. In my spiritual practice I use both prayer and contemplation. In my prayers I ask God to show me what I need to learn from any circumstance and to show me the Love within it. During contemplation I sing the word HU out loud, a high vibration sound that connects me to Spirit and allows me to listen to God’s nudges.

I enjoyed the service and the golden nuggets that were shared so that I can turn my focus back on God every time and under any situation. I do want to return to living in God’s real universe and rhythm.

I want to encourage you to take the time to contemplate on these golden nuggets, see what they mean to you and see for yourself how they can transform your life.

Blessings to all.

What motivates life?

As a little girl growing up all I wanted was stability and predictability. My life’s plan was to go to school, learn to read and write, solve math problems and have a general knowledge of history, geography, science, religion, etc. The next step was to choose a career, go to college, get out of college, get a job, get married, have children and then finally retire-a happy, predictable and stable life. Somehow my life didn’t play out by this book. Another story took over, one filled with sudden changes and moves, a walk into the unknown.  Because of it, I often felt a misfit and failure throughout.

I felt that my life was guided and driven by an invisible force nudging me and moving me away from the “norm.” My family labeled me a rebel, an angry young woman without direction who didn’t take her life seriously and just wasted it away. The family pressure to comply and to be just like everyone else was great and often resorting to shaming and guilt tripping tactics and manipulations in an effort to bring me back to the safety of the “herd.”  It never worked and it propelled me to get as far as possible from all of them and their suffocating influence. I ended up moving to the United States over forty years ago, the nation that Spirit showed me to be the bastion for freedom. I made this country my new home away from home.

Looking in retrospect at my many wanderings and changes, the one driving force behind them has been a tremendous fear of losing freedom. In fact, ever since I can remember freedom has been at the very heart of my being. Losing freedom translated into different forms in my daily life and as far as my family’s viewpoint I was a person who couldn’t commit to anything or anyone, someone who kept running away from life. They failed to recognize the fact that I always took responsibility for any agreement I made with life and relationships. I stayed until I cleaned up any messes I made. I left jobs, relationships and marriages when they became a stifling prison cell that didn’t allow me for any further growth as a spiritual being. Naturally, nobody in my family, with the exception of my son, was able to understand my take on life.

Life is indeed a school of hard knocks and I certainly had plenty of them throughout. Along the way, I have learned to hone in and refined my sense of discrimination when it comes to following the inner nudges. I now can better differentiate when they are motivated by a fear reaction or are actually inspired by the divine. I have had my share of both experiences. This, in retrospect, has given me the ability to recognize the difference and act accordingly.

Fear is the root of all evil and it has deep roots into our emotions and beliefs. One thing I have come to realize is that no matter what the motivation is behind a choice of action, the Holy Spirit is always present and ready to teach us and show us truth if we open our consciousness and heart enough to allow it. No experience is ever a waste if in the end we grow from it into a wiser, stronger and more loving being.

Back in 2008 I was living in New Mexico. I owned a nice home with five acres of land. I thought for sure this would be my last move, the place to lay down my hat so to speak. That year I had an inner experience with the Holy Spirit nudging me to sell the house and move to South America. The Holy Spirit said it would be a very good opportunity for growth if I decided to take it. So I did.  To make a long story short, after several travels through Argentina and Brazil I ended up back in Venezuela, my native country, a place I never wanted to return to.

Back then I had read enough to know what was coming for humanity. The Holy Spirit had given me plenty of visions and knowledge of the bleak future we would face as a whole which had made me very frightened. I knew that the USA was going to be the target for the dark forces because of the country’s strong roots to preserve freedom. Fear had taken a hold on my mind and emotions which made me unable to have a clear communication with the Holy Spirit. I was in survival mode and I had made the choice to stay in Venezuela and remain alive at all cost. The original reason for the Holy Spirit asking me to return to my native country was an opportunity for me to make peace with it and with my family. That was achieved in a year. After that I refused to listen to the Holy Spirit nudging me to return to the USA. Because of my horrific mental projections of chaos and destruction in the USA, I turned off my inner communication with the divine and listened to my fear and my need to survive instead. I stayed in Venezuela for seven years and it nearly cost my life. That is how long it took for me to let go of my terror and my projections of doom and gloom and finally surrender to the will of God.

The Venezuelan experience has made me stronger in so many ways, stronger in Spirit, stronger in Faith, stronger in love. Realizing how easy it is to fall prey of projections of doom and gloom, whether I create them or they are pushed by the media, the collective or our friends and family, I have more compassion for those who are under the grip of terror and are doing everything they can to survive and stay alive.

In a sense, I am making peace with mortality, a given for all of us and something we try to ignore and escape with all we have. In the end, it isn’t death that scares us it is the fear of it, the fear of the unknown. The only way I know to surmount it is to open the heart to divine love, the endless fountain that sustains all of life and all of creation. Returning to our Creator, to the source of all life and the infinite love in IT, how can that be scary? The answer is in each person’s heart, not in the mind, not in the emotions and certainly not in the fear.

Blessings to all


This afternoon, while sitting on the grass in the park with my little Chihuahua Georgy, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my bare feet, I pondered on the current human predicament and wondered if anything could be done to facilitate a smoother transition to a better world. I decided to do a spiritual contemplation exercise for direction.

I closed my eyes and opened my awareness to feel the energetic field of the collective in my area. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit I contemplated on my reflection (this particular skill is something that the Holy Spirit has taught me and continues to teach me through daily spiritual practices. There is no “magic” involved in this practice. It is simply learning to focus one’s attention into the frequency vibrations beyond the five senses, feel them and listen to spiritual guidance).  

I felt an impenetrable wall of energy in front of me and became helpless. The nature of this wall was collective terror, specifically the fear of death. I quickly stopped the impulse to push against it to make it go away -a natural human reaction- knowing quite well that it is useless and exhausting to attempt such feat. I took several deep, slow breaths to relax and continued the contemplative exercise.

It is practically impossible for a single individual to break through a solid wall of collective, emotionally induced, unconscious terror. Furthermore, if the individual attempts to use will power against it, the collective will register such act as an assault resulting in a rise in fear and the subsequent tightening of the wall at the level of the unconscious mind.

“It is hopeless.” I thought. Before despair engulfed me completely, I turned my full attention on Spirit and kept breathing deeply. I felt the nudge to revisit the past; specifically, the many times I worked as a manager in food related industries.

During those times, I remembered, I found myself navigating difficult circumstances caused by the previous management. Employees didn’t work as a team and in many instances they were at odds with one another. Some of them gave away food to friends who stopped by, decided when to come to work and when to leave ignoring their scheduled time and didn’t follow regulations for cleanliness and minimum waste of resources. The large majority of them had an outright attitude of entitlement and disrespect.

It was nearly impossible to function in an environment where anarchy ruled.

It is my personal opinion that a true leader is someone who is both firm and fair; one who follows a vision through to fruition no matter the obstacles in the way. A leader is able to set the tone (it is an actual energetic sound or note) from the core of his being as both a vision and a feeling of the environment to be manifested and holds it unwavering.

 At the time I didn’t know how to manifest a vision according to a higher purpose, a divine purpose. I knew the workplace I wanted to participate in; one where everyone felt a sense of cooperation, camaraderie and closeness; an environment that supported and promoted personal growth for all (me included and extended to the customers). In my vision, synergy instead of anarchy was the collective choice embraced willingly by each individual.

Contemplating on this today, I realized that I had a clear feeling of what I wanted to manifest. Furthermore, I didn’t keep the feeling inside me; I brought it out through choices, decisions and interactions for all to see and feel.

The first week on the job, I worked alongside the employees getting to know them and observing their behavior. I gave everyone the opportunity to become a valued team member and to mature as a human being. I explained what was expected of them and what needed to change. At this point things began to heat up. Those who didn’t want to let go of the old bad habits acquired during and overlooked by the previous manager became belligerent opposing and ignoring what was asked of them. I wrote them up each time they conducted themselves in an inappropriate manner and explained again the new code of work ethics. Some of them left without notice. Others, the more stubborn ones, tried everything to bully and coerce me into submission. One of them assaulted me physically. I had to call the police to have her removed from the store for good. Two large cops struggled with her and could hardly hold her down.

Those were the hardest weeks on the job. I worked around the clock, from opening to closing, seven days a week. I cried myself to sleep most nights. Yet I knew that the storm would eventually pass and balance would be restored at some point. New employees were hired and coached by those who had decided to stay and to participate in creating a better work environment. Bad habits became a thing of the past and soon the fruits of the painful labor began to show.

With happy and grateful employees the energy of the place changed drastically attracting more business and increasing revenues by the double digits. Employees were rewarded and appreciated. Respect, responsibility and dependability were the hallmark of our work family. Customers were attracted by the joyful and cordial disposition of the crew members. They brought us flowers, cards and wrote us poems; their way of reciprocating the love received. A radio station broadcaster, a loyal customer, told the community over radio waves to stop by our store for a cup of coffee imbued with a whole lot of love and joy to warm anyone’s heart. The younger employees came to the workplace on their days off just to hang out. This kind of “magic” happens when people come together in love and unity.

I realized through the contemplation exercise that my experiences as manager are a blueprint for today of the steps involved to move from an outdated and corrupted system of enslavement to one where people choose to come together to create a world of joy, freedom and love.

The “Love vibrations” are around us always and more so nowadays. They nudge us to look into the hidden, dark aspects of our unconscious mind. We are going through the painful and scary phase of a wonderful transformation, the birthing pains of a new collective consciousness. The process is going to be harder for those individuals who are unable and unwilling to let go of their fear to surrender to Truth and face themselves. The old energy template of power and slavery is fighting back to remain in control. This template is constructed and supported by the collective unconscious which holds the key note of the fear vibrations within itself. The individual and collective choice to awaken to truth and align with the love vibration despite of fear dismantles the old master/slave construct; it reveals what has been hiding in the darkness all along and brings it into the light for all to see. People have the opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the lies and distortions promoted by corrupt media, politicians and corporate moguls who are fighting hard to silence the voices of truth.

The transformation will occur not by force of will but by the continued and relentless effort to expose truth by those who have chosen to embody it. Eventually, more people will wake up and come on board while those who still refuse to let go will vanish.

We are experiencing the labor pains of the birthing of the Christ Consciousness in people’s hearts.

A New World under the direction of the Holy Spirit is here, now. It is available to all of us to embrace if we so choose.

The Awakening

Every life on this planet has been touched and changed in some form by now, that includes the lives of animals and plants as well as human beings. Are we living in the prophesied apocalyptic time? It certainly seems to be the case as the hidden corruption, manipulation, abuse of power, human perversions and distortions are now exposed daily despite the massive efforts to cover it up and censure Truth at the hands of corrupt media, international corporations and bankers throughout the entire globe.

The United States was given four years of grace under the Trump administration. The Light of Truth shone brightly under his leadership. The wind of change blew during the four years throughout American soil and beyond, touching every living creature. It started as a gentle, soft breeze that lit a fire inside people’s hearts. It knocked at the doorsteps of a sleepy collective consciousness nudging it to arouse from deep sleep. Then, steadily, with every newly awakened heart, it gained strength and turned into an unstoppable roaring blaze burning around the entire globe. The United States set the stage for the Great Awakening of Humanity and the citizens of Earth heeded the call for Truth and Freedom.

What the United States is undergoing now at the hands of a rhetorically “new” administration has already been fully implemented in other countries of the world reducing them to total poverty and desolation. One of those countries is Venezuela, the place where I was born and raised before coming to the United States and becoming a lawful citizen.

What I write I do from personal experience. My words are not intended to promote or force an ideology or doctrine. I am not here to tell you what to believe or think, that is your work, not mine. Each person needs to arrive at an understanding and recognition of Truth in his own way. After all, our Creator has endowed us with Free Will and it is up to us to use it correctly and maturely by respecting all of creation and its innate right to freedom. It is my understanding that, unless an individual has direct experience, he will never have the realization of Truth.

My words reflect my observations and deductions after years of exposure to the systematic manipulation and destruction of the economic, social, educational, and spiritual infrastructures of my native country at the hands of corrupted politicians under the direction and control of foreign interests. Election fraud at the hands of Smartmatic is something that the entire Venezuelan population is well aware of. It started during the Chavez era and it continues untouched nowadays under Maduro, a Cuban/Chinese puppet.

I remember warning people during a visit to Caracas when Chavez had just come into power of the socialist agenda the government was pushing, that it would take down their liberties. Their answer was, “That is never going to happen here.”

Unfortunately,Venezuelans had grown complacent and had forgotten the horrors they had suffered decades prior to the military coup of Perez Jimenez, the anti-establishment general who freed Venezuela from the tyrannical grip and bondage of foreign entities and bankers who had been consistently enriching their pockets at the expense of the populace.

Under Jimenez Venezuela became a wealthy and prosperous economy with a strong, healthy middle class. Illiteracy was almost non existent and every Venezuelan citizen enjoyed a tranquil, happy life (no crime anywhere). In my opinion, Perez Jimenez was the equivalent to Trump back then. Unfortunately for the Venezuelan people, Perez Jimenez was too much a threat to the “establishment” also known as “The Deep State” (it is called this way because it operates in the shadows; it is a shadow government that rules over the ones you think you have freely elected). He fled the country in the middle of the night to avoid being killed. Much like Trump, he was slandered and falsely depicted as a vicious, power hungry dictator.

My parents lived in Caracas during the time of his leadership. They came from Italy to make a better life for themselves and for the country that was graciously opening its doors to them and to so many other immigrants from around the globe. Perez Jimenez treated people with respect and expected the citizens to treat one another, including the hard working immigrants with respect. Both locals and immigrants alike felt a strong sense of unity and love for their Venezuelan Nation.

The rest is history, albeit a very sad and painful one for the Venezuelan population nowadays who has to endure terrible hardships and hunger. Death knocks at the doors of the Venezuelan children daily because of undernourishment and lack of medications. Many of the rural children are kidnapped and mercilessly killed for organ harvesting and ritualistic ceremonies mainly, but not exclusively, at the hands of Chinese run cartels, a very lucrative enterprise practiced everywhere in the world by different entities (Yes, even here in the USA).

I lived through the horrors of “socialism” in Venezuela and came close to losing my life because of it. I certainly hope that the socialists/dictatorial claws and jaws won’t reach too deep into the American soil.

I don’t know what the future holds for the United States and the world at large. All I know is that it will take a unified effort to bring back freedom and truth to this Nation and to every country on the planet. It all depends on the willingness of each individual to awaken to Truth no matter how ugly, repulsive and painful it is. Unless each one of us begins the personal journey into the scary and dark recesses of the subconscious with courage and love for the Creator, nothing will change. True, lasting change begins within each single heart on Earth.  Before the heart can fully open, all the perversions, divisions, judgments and denials have to surface, be recognized and fully accepted for what they are, then let go into the fire of the Divine Flame to be transformed and purified. From the ashes of the old a new human will arise; one whose heart and focus is on God, Truth and universal Freedom.

What is the awakening about? For me, it is to become conscious of our true essence as Soul. The present time is a spiritual opportunity orchestrated by our creator for us, individually, to return to our true Home through the opening of the Heart into Divine Love. It is humanity’s wake up call to reorient our consciousness in the direction of the Holy Spirit instead of chasing after power, control and a false sense of safety.

Will humanity rise to the occasion? What will humanity choose individually and collectively? We will soon find out. The spiritual call has been made.

What do you choose?  

May God’s love touch your heart and lit the inextinguishable flame of Divine Love and Truth within it.

The End Times

There is so much happening in the USA and all around the world nowadays. I have been observing this process unfold for the past 20 years and I can say that we are now at the very last leg of it.

Like many others, when I was first approached to take a look at the events unfolding right before our eyes from all angles and all sources I was quite unwilling with a mindset fixated on determined notions I had acquired either through the school system or through the collective consensus. Those were the norms and the truth established by authorities I had never taken the time to question. Furthermore, when it came to issues related to politics I would completely shun away wanting nothing to do in the matter.

Well, twenty or so years ago, when I had just moved to Colorado Springs, I started to have dreams about a big storm, more like a tsunami, that would hit the entire world and change the course of humanity for good. It was also at the same time when some friends nudged me to read the books of this English man by the name of David Icke. At first I dismissed their claims of secret societies and a conspiracy to take complete control over humanity as total nonsense. Yet, something deep inside my gut was not feeling quite settled about it. Finally I gave into it and bought a little book called “And the Truth shall set you free” by David Icke.

I was never the same after reading it and I began to do my own research and to ask those friends who were already years ahead of me in the quest for Truth for direction as to where to find individuals who had the guts to dig deep into things kept in the dark and away from day to day knowledge.

I am not here to tell you what to do or what to believe. That is not my place nor is it of anyone else. As a matter of fact, each one of us has the God given right to Free Will and to choose as we please as long as our actions do not encroach on the freedom of others.

During the course of the last twenty years, back in the end of the year 2007, I was then living in Argentina with my son and my eight toy poodles. At the time, I got the nudge to move to Venezuela to help my parents. We drove for fifteen days through Argentina, Brazil and most of Venezuela to make it back home in Caracas where my parents lived. I am going to spare you all the gore details of my stay in Venezuela which lasted exactly seven years, but I will tell you that being there I was able to witness first hand everything I had been researching and reading from all the alternative sources, including David Icke and many others. What had been and still is being labeled and heavily pushed by the mainstream media as “Conspiracy Theory” it is an actual and verifiable fact if observed and researched outside the illusion veil of the cleverly daily brainwashing and manipulation pushed by the “authorities” in the media, Hollywood, political and religious arena, health and education. There is not a single aspect of our lives that has not been infiltrated and manipulated from the podium of “respectful authorities.” After all, how can we believe that these knowledgeable individuals would plan a Machiavellian agenda to destroy our lives and rule despotically over the entire world? Impossible!

Well, that was exactly my reaction when I was first exposed to the Truth. I am calling it Truth because it is to me and because I have had twenty years to prove it to myself not only through research but also by living it personally in Venezuela where I witnessed the systematic destruction of a Nation and its population step by step; where I lost my home, car and all my money; where I was put in jail for being an American citizen and a traitor to the Nation. I was lucky enough to make it out alive. Weighing only 98 lbs and with severe PTSD I returned to my home in the USA.

I am now in the process of writing my story hoping that it will help others realize how easily it is to be manipulated and enslaved by psychopaths who are after power and wealth.

Why am I writing this today? Because ever since I returned to the USA in December 2014 I have been witnessing the exact same agenda I lived through in Venezuela be implemented here. Obama was following it by the letter. I was already resigning myself to go once more through the horrors I had experienced in Venezuela until I noticed after the 2016 election that our new president was actually exposing and dismantling the agenda and the corruption instead of following it and that he was actually working on behalf of the people of the planet and not out of his own personal desires for power and greed. I know that many of you reading this will immediately black list me and that is fine. As I said before, this is not meant to dissuade anyone or change anyone’s mind one way or another.

I am actually writing this piece for me because in the past couple of months my PTSD has returned fueled by all the division, riots and commotions since Covid and BLM, Antifa, etc… All of these events give me flash backs to situations I have lived through before.

However, nowadays I no longer try to tell people that what they are supporting or doing is actually supporting their own demise. I used to blast that trumpet loud and clear in Venezuela for seven years and all I got were insults, ridicule and threats. I am not going down that road again. People have to learn in their own terms and their own way. Sometimes the learning can be very painful like what is happening to millions of Venezuelans these days (no food, no money, no medicines, and no government assistance). It is very nice to live under Socialism (totalitarian control). Sometimes that is what it takes for people to wake up from the hypnotic trance they have been placed under since the day they were born.

Yet, there is a silver lining underlying it all. God is always in control and always leading each and every one of his children back to the Real Home, back to the loving Heart. Nobody is excluded and everyone is welcomed with open arms and unconditional love. I am learning forgiveness for those who are perpetuating vicious acts on humanity at large; I am learning compassion for those who are unable or unwilling to see the Truth and I am learning to love and trust God with all my heart. In the end, we are all one in God and all of us at some point in time will turn around and decide to make it back to our True Legacy, our True and Only Real Home. I am open and willing to talk to those who want to know more and are ready to wake up. I am always available to expose Truth when the right moment calls for it. And so I say, May The Blessings Be!


Spiritual lessons come our way in every shape and form daily, if we take a moment to reflect on what is being presented instead of going into the automatic pilot of habitual reactions.

Lately Spirit has been showing me a karmic habit of mine I wasn’t aware of. This karmic pattern has deep roots in the family tree on my mother’s side.

This is the story of a spiritual opportunity or, as I often call it, a spiritual set up that happened to me recently.  My little Chihuahua, Georgy, has been banned from doggie day care because he attacked a dog and after the incident I was asked to keep him on a muzzle.  I tried putting a muzzle on him and each time he took it off within seconds. I felt the same way about a muzzle as he did so I decided to look for a reliable pet sitter to watch him while I am at work instead.

Yesterday I had scheduled an appointment at the library’s grounds with an older lady who does pet sitting. We had agreed to meet at 9:00 am and the library is behind my apartment building. She told me exactly where we would meet and I assumed that she meant the area next to the library where there is a beautiful Irises garden. So, Georgy and I walked from the apartment over to the garden ten minutes prior to the time. We waited and waited. 9 am came and went

“It is 9:05 am. Where is this woman?” my mind began to wander.

“People have no sense of responsibility these days!” the chatter continued in a frustrating crescendo.

“The least she could have done is let me know she was going to be late or not show up!” I could feel the entitlement coming in louder and stronger.

“Well, calm down now, people can be a little late. Things come up sometime. Just give her a chance.” A softer voice interjected.

 “I am going to give her fifteen minutes and if she doesn’t show I am leaving!” My righteous mind rebuked. I decided to write her a message letting her know I was waiting for her at the agreed upon spot.

A neighbor walked by with her dog and said hello and asked me what I was doing. I was ready to unleash upon her my frustration and have someone agree with me about how flaky people are these days. That would have made me feel good about the situation and would have given control back to me.

“I am waiting for someone I am supposed to meet here.” I said.

As soon as I was ready to tell my side of the story, I noticed an elderly woman calmly walking along the sidewalk towards us from the opposite side of the library.

“I guess she is here now.” I said as I walked up to her.

She smiled and very gently said that she had been waiting at the other side of the library just like she had written to me she would. She said she had received my message, saw me and came over instead.

She was nice, friendly and not at all judgmental about the mishap. She said she didn’t know there was such a beautiful Iris garden on this side of the library and she was glad to see it.

All my righteousness and judgment melted away in an instant as I recognized that the one on the “wrong” side was me and not her. So I apologized for assuming that she would be where the Irises were. She smiled and proceeded to meet Georgy who immediately loved her and wanted her to pick him up.

Yesterday morning I got more than a pet sitter, I received a very direct and loving lesson from Spirit and a warning that assuming I am right and correct may not be the case and even if it would be the case there are kinder ways of dealing with life’s curve balls instead of immediately going to war and assuming the worst of others. I have been contemplating on this pattern and realizing how deeply ingrained it is in my consciousness. 

I am grateful and very much humbled by the whole experience. I have to admit that this is not my first experience where my first and automatic inclination is to criticize and make others at fault. I am sure that there will be plenty more situations coming my way to continue to show me my karmic weakness and give me a fresh opportunity to change my response to a more balanced and neutral one.

Can anyone else out there relate?

Much love to all!


Back in 1994 I was attending the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Long island. This required I travel once every three months from Honolulu, where I was living, to New York and spend one week at the school in Long Island.

This one time, I had just completed the week training and was home bound. I was feeling pretty exhausted and was looking forward to some rest during the long flight back to Hawaii.

I was very glad to see that my seat on the very last row of the plane had nobody else sitting next to it which meant I could stretch out along the three empty seats and get some needed sleep.

I noticed a man with a young boy settling into the seats on the opposite aisle. The boy was frantic and very unsettled and so was the dad trying his best to calm him down. I watched them make several trips to the restroom located behind our seats.

I decided not to pay attention to their commotion and instead settle into my space ready for takeoff. As soon as I closed my eyes the Holy Spirit nudged me to go talk to the man and let him know I could help him with the child.

Reluctantly I got up and introduced myself. “Hi there, my name is Kery. I noticed there is something troubling your child. I just finished one week of training in energy healing and perhaps I could be of assistance to you and your son.”

He looked at me trying his best to hide the deep sense of skepticism and horror my introduction was causing him. Politely he declined my help and thanked me.

“Just in case you change your mind, sir, I am sitting in the aisle next to yours.”

I felt relieved that he had rejected my help, probably thinking I was some kind of weirdo playing witchcraft. Now I could finally get to sleep.

I moved to the seat by the window waiting for the takeoff to be over so I would be able to lay down.

The plane had taken off and I could hear the dad still fussing around with the boy. Trips to the restroom were made time and again to no avail. Finally, I heard the flight attendant, who by the way had heard my introduction to the man, suggesting he would take me up on the offer.

I was still sitting by the window with eyes closed when suddenly a frightened boy was dropped on my lap and an exhausted father sank heavily on the seat next to mine.

“Okay, do your thing lady. I am at my wits end.”

The boy, an adorable eight years old, was frozen in terror sitting on the lap of a total stranger.

Needless to say, I was more terrified than both of them together.

What is one to do in such situation?

I did the only thing I knew. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned to God.

I connected to the boy’s emotional body.

“I want my mom! Why did mom take my brother with her and sent me on a plane with dad? I am afraid I am going to die and my mom is not with me.”

I felt this child’s terror and pain as I understood what was troubling him. Instinctively, I opened my heart just like a mother would and loved him.

I felt the warmth of Divine Love descend upon me and flow out of my heart to touch the frightened boy. As soon as he felt the divine touch, his body relaxed and he leaned back against my chest with a long sigh of relief.

“Your mom loves you very much. She will be waiting for you at home with open arms.” I whispered in his ear.

He turned around and hugged me while I gently stroked his head and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead.

I turned my head towards the father and found him and the flight attendant with mouths dropped and speechless.

“Okay lady, I don’t know what you just did but that was nothing short of a miracle. I have to admit I thought you were a little out there when you offered help. Please understand I am a medical doctor and do not believe much in this energy healing stuff. Today I stand corrected. Thank you so very much.”

We spent the next five hours of flight playing games and laughing. Even the flight attendant was included!

When we landed at the airport the dad asked me if I could watch the boy while he took care of some personal business.

The child was sitting on a stroller and he took a deep look at me and said, “Can you help me with something?”

“If I can I will be happy to do so.”

“I see monsters.” He blurted out and then paused to see my reaction.

“Go on.”

With a sigh of relief he continued, “They come and scare me all the time and I don’t know what to do.”

“Are there any monsters here at this moment?”


“Okay then. I want you to look at the monster and take a deep breath.”

“I am scared.”

“I know you are and I am telling you that it is okay to look at the monster even when you are afraid. I promise you that I am not going to let the monster hurt you in any way.”

“Okay. I will try.”

“Now, when you are looking at the monster I want you to call on the Holy Spirit for protection. Just say, “I love you God. Please embrace me with your light and grace.”

“I am scared.”

“Yes. Can you see the Light?”


“Okay, look at the Light and ask for It to embrace you with love.”

“That makes me feel good!”

“Can you ask the monster if he would like to come into the Light too?”

“I am scared of the monster.”

“Yes, however inside the Light and Grace of the Holy Spirit no harm can come to anyone.”

“Why would I want the monster to come into the Light? He is bad.”

“Yes, he is bad because he is scared and doesn’t know about the Love and the Light and the Grace of the Holy Spirit.” “Remember how scared you were in the airplane? Remember how angry you were at your mom and your dad? Then love touched your heart and changed you.  The same can happen to the monster if he allows for love to come into his heart. Sometimes monsters do and other times they don’t. Guess you will never know unless you try and ask, right?”

“Okay I will try.” He closed his eyes becoming very quiet.

“He left. He was scared of the Light and left.”

“Well, that is his choice and his freedom. At least you tried to help him. Maybe next time he will change his heart. The important thing is that now you know what to do when monsters come to scare you.”

“Yes! Thank you! I love you!”

“I love you too and I am so glad I met you and your dad. You made this trip a very special one!”

Dad came back and we exchanged phone numbers and names.

Before going our own ways, I asked the dad if it would be okay to have a picture taken of me and his delightful boy.

To this day whenever I look at that picture all I see is a brilliant light uniting our hearts in a warm embrace.

May The Blessing Be!